The O. B. S. C. began in 1986 by our founding father, Uncle Ben Gay, and a “bunch of drunks that got together to have a good time” on the front porch of T-shirt Bob Lorenc’s trailer. This original group of approximately ten members on Bob’s porch has grown to nearly 200 members. Many potential members ask, what is the purpose of the OBSC? Long time members sum it up: NONE! There is no purpose, mission or agenda. We just have FUN! The OBSC sponsors many events throughout the year. In the past, we have had a Winterfest, a Madri Gras parade & dinner, a St. Patrick’s Day dinner, a steak fry, an Oktoberfest, an off-road poker run and a New Year’s Eve Party. Members are notified of all scheduled events through our website, email and a electronic newsletter. General membership meetings are held on Sundays at 11:00AM following a Saturday evening event. All meetings and events are held at the Cholla Bay Community Center.